Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My how time flies!

Last post about Christmas.....now it's February!

Spent New Years on a Jeep/RV trip in Death Valley. I do not love the desert. But I do have to agree that sometimes it does have a stark beauty that is hard to explain.

January seemed unstoppable....watching A 3 days a week....the airplane flying for the 1st time....S's birthday...new appliances...L hospitalized...5 days of chaos at the beach (vacation?)...end of year reports...taxes....

Now it's February and I am taking a breather...or trying to. I am going to go work in my scrapbook room and lose myself in a project...don't know which one....doesn't matter....I just need to create! Gonna make time for friends and spend time with my grandaughters. I am going to shop with my daughters-in-love.

I'll let you know how it goes!