Wednesday, August 22, 2012

One more day.......

Tomorrow's the day!  Hubby retires!  I am so excited and so scared at the same time.  Will we get along?  Will we end up wanting to  wring each other's necks?  Will we fall deeper in love or just further into friendship?  Will I be able to deal with him around every day?  This new chapter deserves to be started with a prayer.....

Lord, you are the center of this marriage.  You have brought us safely to this chapter in our lives and I know that You continue to have a plan for us.  Help us to walk softly with each other and to uplift and encourage each other.  Help us to not try to put forth our own agendas but to develop an agenda that fits the both of us.  Help us to be smart about our finances.  Help us to not be stingy with each other.  Lord, please help me to be the person Hubby needs me to be.   Help us to balance our lives so that we both feel free to be ourselves.  Lord, I love this man you gave to me 30 years ago and I pray that You will grow that love as we walk forward into our future.