Friday, September 28, 2012

The wrong road?

Lately I've been contemplating my decision to cut my #2 son out of my life.  I find myself thrown to and fro by comments others make, things I read and watching how others handle difficult situations.  I tell myself that I should be just like that . . . or just like her . . . or why can't I do that? . . .

Am I taking the easy road?  The road I was on with him wasn't easy.  It was hard.  Everyday hard.  This past six months has been easier.  For me.  Not for hubby.

I am happier.  I am less stressed.  I am more spontaneous and free.  I don't dread getting up in the morning.  I take less meds. 

I carry guilt.  Not about #2 but about his children.  T, C & J.  They miss us.  I don't.

So my conclusion is that I have to do what is right for me.  Others in difficult relationships make other decisions.  I can't compare.  You shouldn't either.