Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I have a new Grandson!

So far the only thing I can tell that he has of me are my hands.  Long fingers.  Like my own mother's.  I was hoping to see my eyes, but no - he has M's eyes.  Nose?  To soon to tell...but probably J's...from his daddy's side of the family.  Mouth?  Well it sure is cute and he make so many faces.  He smiles when he's dreaming....I know they say newborns can't smile...and it's probably not on purpose...but it sure is cute!  That is one of my goals...to get a close up photo of this amazing smile!  He is very alert when awake and is already on a 3 hour feeding schedule.  I have managed to see him at least every other day...which is something I was wondering if I would be able to do.  M has been wonderful.  At first I thought that I would have to compete with her mom....and the first week that is exactly what it seemed to be.   But I decided not to be jealous and not to let it get to me. 

So let me tell the birth story.....

They broke her water at 9:20 a.m. Sunday the 15th.  She immediately went into labor and didn't need any assistance after that.  After the first two hours she went form 2 to 5 and put in her order for an epidural.  I have to say that she was a trooper...those contractions got to be very intense and painful.  I thought that after her kidney stone pain that she'd hardly even feel contractions...but I was wrong.  She felt them and they were intense!  After the epdural she was so calm and content.  Her contractions were quite substantial and she had a picture perfect pattern going.  They told her they would wait until she felt the urge to push and then check her again.  (There was one other mom in the birthing center having her baby - we were sharing the same Doctor.)  So they checked M again around 4...she was at 10!  But she wasn't having the urge to push so as long as she was comfortable they decided to get the other baby delivered first.  But being she was a 1st time mom...it wasn't going as fast as they expected.  So then they decided to deliver M first....so they kicked all of us out of the room (except for M's mom and sister and J) and had her start pushing.  She pushed for 7 minutes and there he was!  Our LMB born at 6:15 p.m. on August 15th.  I snuck out of the waiting room and stood outside the door listening for his cry...but all was quiet.  As soon as they finished stiching her (small epesiotomy) I got to go in.  He was laying on her chest with his eyes wide open and totally quiet.  Of course I started shooting photos right away!  No one had gotten to hold him yet...not even J.  That selfishly made me kinda happy because I was afraid I'd be the last to hold him!  I was able to get a photo of the 1st time J held him....so sweet.  We stayed for a few hours and then left to hopefully let them get some rest.  L and M were in the hospital for 2 days...he came home on the 17th.  They were a little worried about him because he seemed a little too relaxed and sleepy.  On Monday the did his little circucision...he was a trooper...the Dr said he slept through it. 

He is the cutest...he has long fingers and big feet.  Really chubby cheeks....and he's ticklish on his back.  He makes the cutest faces...his expression is constantly changing.  He is able to wear newborn clothes...but probably not for more than another week.  They are going to be too short for him.

We are headed to see him....

Sunday, August 15, 2010

He's Here!!!!

LM...born 8-15-10 at 6:15 p.m. 8 pounds 10 ounces 22 inches long!

Dark hair, chubby cheeks...absolutely perfect!  Will write more about my feelings later. Trying to soak it all in.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

No baby yet...

Inducing tomorrow morning!  LM birthday should be August 15th!

Friday, August 13, 2010

No Baby Yet....but....

M went to the Dr this AM and she said that if nothing happens before Sunday they will induce her at 8:00 AM Sunday morning.  I am getting so antsy waiting to meet this little one that I can hardly make myself do anything but think about him!  I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas!  I never had to wait this long for any of my other grandchildren...they were all born several weeks early...so this is HARD!  Good job, M for keeping this one in full term!  Hurry up L!  Nana can't wait!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010


G and S's baby is due March 22nd.  And J & M's baby is due ANY MINUTE!!!  She is 50% effaced and two centimeters dilated and they stripped her membranes today.  I went over there today and got all the laundry caught up...the house vacuumed (after totally doing surgery on her vacuum because it was sooooo plugged up!  And it was a Dyson...I thought those were supposed to never clog!), the paint scrubbed out of kitchen sink and all the trash out to the garage.  Oh and sheets changed.  So we are ready!!!!!  Come on L...I can't wait to meet you, to hold you, to smell you, to have your heart beat next to mine.  I feel like that lady on the old Mervyn's commercial...."open..open..open!"

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Today is another AWESOME day!

One of the reasons why I started this blog was to remember my thoughts and feelings while anticipating the birth of my 10th and 1st grandchild.  10th because he will be the 10th but 1st because he will be the first that I am related to by blood and therefore the 1st one that will have some of me in him.  And now....I get to celebrate the 11th!!!!  We went out to dinner for S's 24th birthday party and as we were leaving....actually started the car and waiting to drive away......G and S came up to the jeep and said we couldn't leave yet because they had something to tell us.  So we got out of the car and waited....then G - with a little bit of panic in his eyes - said, "S's pregnant."  Just one sentence that changed our lives forever...well...and theirs too!  G is still in shock...hasn't quite figured out what comes next....but I know he will be an awesome dad....and I told him so.  We told them we would be there for them no matter what and whatever they needed.  She has her first Dr appointment tomorrow morning and G is going with her so they are starting off on the right foot. 

When I asked her when she found out she said that a conversation that we'd had a couple of weeks ago got her to thinking she better take a test.  We were driving over to the coast together because her car had been repo'd (bummer) and they had taken it all the way to Grover Beach?!!!  Anyhow...somehow the conversation turned to birth control and ooops baby's etc....so I told her the story of how I was on birth control and even into my 4th month when I finally put all the pieces together and realized I was pregnant with J.  I told her how I didn't have morning sickness .... I was just exhausted.  Could hardly stay awake and had starting gaining some weight.  I guess S realized that she was experiencing a lot of the same symptoms...so she took a test the next day.  And the rest is history!  Of course she told her whole family and A knew a whole week before we did!!!  She wanted G to tell us so it took him that much time to get up the nerve....I don't get it....I am not a scary person...but they all have such a hard time breaking the news to us. 

We are 4 for 4.  All 4 sons have put the cart before the horse.  I don't know why.  All I know is that I am going to love my children and grandchildren wholly and unconditionally and leave the rest up to the Lord.  Some of them have been more successful than others....I can only pray that this new baby will bring G and S to a place of love and committment and marriage.  Because that is what is best for this new little one....

How did I get to be so lucky....I have more family now than I could have dreamed of when I was a little girl.....and I am filled with joy.  When people ask if God can make something good out of something meant for evil....a little girl that was used, abused and was told she would never amount to anything.....to now...God restored me and gave me a new family who love and support me from thousands of miles away...God made me a wife to a man who loves me unconditionally...a mother of 4 strong sons....and increased my family to 9....going on 10....going on 11 grandchildren. 

Thank You Lord!  Thank You!  Thank You!  Thank You!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Today is my Birthday!

Wow!  54 years old!  Time really does just go by so fast....a breath....a heartbeat...and here I am.  Are there times that I would like to go back to?  Maybe...to my wedding...I'd be less worried about details and just be present in the moment......to the birth of my children...how I would try and remember the moments...at the time you think that you will always remember...but time has its way of fading out the moments...of blurring who did what.  Of course there are moments that I would change if I could.  I'd be less demanding, less angry, less busy, less competitive.  But...then I wouldn't be here.  And here is where I belong. Here where I am still learning, struggling, sharing joy and sorrows.  And the journey continues......